Infrastructure Services

Servers, networks, storage and other hardware devices are the backbone of every computing environment. Recent rapid advances in technology, including hardware virtualization, have brought unprecedented amounts of computing power under control for small and large organizations alike.

Stellar Innovations & Solutions, Inc. (SIS) designs, deploys, and manages computing and network environments in compliance with Enterprise IT Policy and Standards tailored for your organization.

Our experience encompasses:

  • Development of Local Standards
  • Policy Compliance
  • Private Cloud Management
  • Virtualization Environment Management
  • Systems and Network Administration

SIS provides comprehensive services across the infrastructure technology domain. Our services include:

  • Systems and Network Engineering
    • Design, sizing, and build plans
    • Hypervisor provisioningEnterprise Monitoring and Management
  •  Enterprise Monitoring and Management
    • Firewall/Intrusion protection
  • Operations and Help Desk
    • Specialized environments (SIPR)
    • Application specific Level 3 support
  • Environmental Infrastructure
    • Cable Plant service, fiber/copper, LAN/WAN/Server physical security, Wireless, Cellular and DAS
  • Asset Management